Car and truck titling and registration is a complicated process and exceptionally time-consuming. As direct lending and online car sales skyrocket, additional pressure is put upon the titling departments of Banks and Credit Unions, which are not typically equipped with the right tools to produce the data to properly calculate tax, title and license (TT&L). The added burden of having the correct documentation to finalize the transaction with the DMV has typically added between 4-6 hours to each transaction.
ATC Fast Data now offers Bank and Credit Union titling departments the ability to have all the necessary DMV information they need for an automotive transaction at their fingertips. By using ATC Fast Data, they can complete a transaction in less than an hour!
ATC Fast Data offers a simple system for Bank and Credit Union title clerks to quickly assemble required information so they can avoid spending hours online searching DMV websites for the information or spending just as much time on the phone gathering the info. ATC Fast Data provides the necessary tax, title and registration information for every jurisdiction in the country for properly (and quickly) completing title and registration work.
This means that Banks and Credit Unions can increase their revenue from vehicle transactions by decreasing the time it takes to process each transaction with the DMV.
ATC Fast Data provides:
- Collection of transaction data to accurately calculate out-of-state TT&L based on that specific transaction
- Information auto-populated into every document to cut down on manual work
- Taxes, registration fees, instructions, and documents provided instantly after submitting transaction information
- Transaction data housed in a centralized dashboard, exportable for external or internal use
- All information needed to acquire duplicate titles from every state DMV
ATC Fast Data uses token pricing so you only pay for the information you need and use.